Fast, Strong, Smooth!

Proto Wheel Grippers; They are fast smooth and strong. Proto Grippers are the best wheels I have ridden.


They haven't worn down, de-hubbed, or lost their grip.

I prefer Grippers because their smooth but also have lots of grip which really helps at the skate park.

Ride what Amy rides!  Buy them now!

Their strong, amazingly well built, the wheels look great and 

over all its a fantastic choice that will improve your scooter.


These wheels come in colors of black on purple, black on blue, and black on red.

Their 110mm and they give an amazingly smooth ride on your scooter.

The details and precision that they put into the wheel is over the top.


Although there are many other good wheels, I believe that you cant go wrong with these Proto Gripper Wheels.

 I highly recommend these!


Amy Michalak~ Rider for the Pro scooter shop.